Xi Chang Winter Camp 2006

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Hello tulips,

Tis I, Kevin. Anyway, as all of you know, there will be a party on Christmas day at my house. For your parent's peace of mind, I am not a conservative Iranian cleric recruiting for the JI, and my address is 36 Keppel Bay Drive, The Caribbean, Block 36 #02-77. On the day itself, I'll meet you guys at Harbourfront MRT and bring you there, naturally.

Now, being Kevin, the only entertaining thing in my house is my stamp collection. Seriously. So, I would appreciate it if:

1) Everyone could bring at least one board game, preferably Monopoly because I have an econs test soon.
2) Those of you with PS2s could bring a mothertap, controllers, and all the games you can find. If you bring Naruto, I will kill you.
3) We could make it somewhat pot luck. I will provide drinks and some snacks, but between the 31 of you you'll have about two and a half potato chips each. So please, BRING SOME FOOD. Belugian Caviar would be good. Or Mannah, if you happen to be Moses.
4) All of you would dress in christmas colours/as elves or santa claus/as something other than *yawn* yourself.

If you're not cool enough, the bouncer - a.k.a my four year old brother - will kick your unhip butt back to Brunei. Also, my very very eligible and ripe sister will be somewhere around the house, so if you're looking to marry, I'll sell her at half price. Okai. That will be all.

Twill be an esserrent party,


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